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‘乐发Vll’双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第92期:红旗渠

本文摘要:Red Flag Canal红旗渠Located at the juncture of the three provinces of Henan, Shanxi and Hebei and in the north of Linzhou City 61 kilometers away from Anyang City, the Red Flag Canal was dug on preapitous rock faces and sheer cliffs in Taihang Mountains by people of Linxian County in 1960. Red Flag Canal is 70 kilo-meters long, 4.3 meters high and 8 meters wide with a water diversion capacity of 18. 3 cubic meters/second.Red-Flag Canal is a monument to the industry and wisdom of Linzhou people created since the birth of PRC, valuable both in the material sense and the spiritual. Traditional Chinese virtues of cooperation, solidification, creation and sacrifice, manifested in this project by Linzhou people, were widely admired everywhere in China. The new-born China has two wonders: the Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing and the Red Flag Canal in Linxian County ( now called Linzhou) , Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai told his foreign friends proudly in the 1970s. With a h.igh reputation at home and abroad, it is known as manmade river in heaven and. today’s Great Wall红旗渠构筑坐落于豫、晋、冀三省交界处距安阳市林州县北部61千米近。

Red Flag Canal红旗渠Located at the juncture of the three provinces of Henan, Shanxi and Hebei and in the north of Linzhou City 61 kilometers away from Anyang City, the Red Flag Canal was dug on preapitous rock faces and sheer cliffs in Taihang Mountains by people of Linxian County in 1960. Red Flag Canal is 70 kilo-meters long, 4.3 meters high and 8 meters wide with a water diversion capacity of 18. 3 cubic meters/second.Red-Flag Canal is a monument to the industry and wisdom of Linzhou people created since the birth of PRC, valuable both in the material sense and the spiritual. Traditional Chinese virtues of cooperation, solidification, creation and sacrifice, manifested in this project by Linzhou people, were widely admired everywhere in China. The new-born China has two wonders: the Yangtze River Bridge in Nanjing and the Red Flag Canal in Linxian County ( now called Linzhou) , Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai told his foreign friends proudly in the 1970s. With a h.igh reputation at home and abroad, it is known as manmade river in heaven and. today’s Great Wall红旗渠构筑坐落于豫、晋、冀三省交界处距安阳市林州县北部61千米近。红渠是1960年林县人民在太行山悬崖峭壁上盘山修筑的。



